on Thursday, January 8, 2009

Think about it long and hard, and you'll realize that relationships are the most precious things we have. So how come we don't spend a commensurate amount of time on keeping them healthy and growing? Once you're on your death bed, it's a little too late to start thinking of your loved ones. Sure, it's easy to get too busy with life and the daily grind to factor in special maintenance, but relationships start to go off the rails when they are neglected or taken for granted. Doing a special little something for special people in your life can be a daily habit like watering a plant. Here's some ideas: send an sms, buy a small gift, a genuine compliment, an email, a phone call, a longer hug than usual, a date, a dinner invite, a tickle , a surprise, a shared joke, a chat, a favour done, make the bed, pick a flower, spend a little time on a walk, a game, dunno...you fill in the blank! Well, that's enough. I'm sure you can think of more...