Can’t do without.. (fill
the blank).. That’s the tag line for how many commercials? We know it’s a lie.
It exists in harmony with the other favourite line.. Do What You Want.. It’s
Your Life, even though I seem to detect a clash there. Are we dependent or
I can. Actually, I can do
without a whole lot of stuff.. Papa’s pizza, mama’s Best Recipe’s book, XYZ
insurance, this gizmo, that gadget. Despite the advertising claims that I
really, really need those.. I don’t.
But I do need You. My
Other. That main squeeze or BFF, the person who tells me I’m OK. You, I really
do need. We’d like to think it’s possible to be completely independent. But
humans can’t exist in isolation. We’re relational creatures. We form
relationships with our own species, other species, even plants and inanimate
objects. We’re part of a complex ecosystem, our every action affecting other
life. But it’s the People ones which count the most. The relationships we form
are like spider webs criss-crossing our existence. Perhaps they look messy, but
they are our lifelines.
Purpose in life is found
along the lines of relationships we build. Opportunities arise with every new
thread, and no matter whether we try to preserve or break those connections,
our decisions reverberate outward, touching more lives than we even realize.
I can’t. Actually, I can’t
do without .. You.