on Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's so easy to open the mouth and let something slip out that destroys the equilibrium of an otherwise friendly relationship. Misunderstanding seems to be so much more natural to us than understanding. I guess we need to step outside of ourselves and look at life from the other perspective to achieve the latter. It would be great to get a second and third chance to redo or resay; to get it right. Groundhog Day is a movie I enjoyed, it was amazing how many reruns it took for that poor guy to finally get it right and get the girl!
If you've said the wrong thing and helplessly watch as things go off course, how do you fix it?


Jules said...

I think if you find you've said the wrong thing, wait for a neutral moment as soon as possible after and appologize and ask forgiveness. Then wait there, at that place of openness, for the one you offended to be ready to forgive you.

Jules said...

Just have to may have to wait a long time for some. But don't give up. Initiate reconciliation and wait patiently, open and ready. Forgiveness must be freely given for it to be real; it cannot be demanded..